Look out America-here comes the master race

September 9, 2008

A misquote in bad taste from the immortal musical of Mel Brooks`s `The Producers`?
It could almost be, except that it may be for real.

William Harvey enthusiast Robert Winston-who makes no apology for Harvey`s career as a war criminal as detailed in Paul Camster`s “American Stalingrad”-mentioned the plan on BBC Radio4 `Today `September 8th.

Although passed off as science, Harveyism is a forced religious ideology resulting in several holocausts detailed by Camster in both his previous and latest output called `Precoded`.

Harveyists everywhere carefully censor what their publics are allowed to know about this.
Not surprising when you recall that the holocaust aspect is almost identical to the policies behind the most extreme forms of Islamic terrorism-except ,of course Harveyists completely exterminated their targets in the UK before they were defeated at huge cost in lives.

Significantly, Robert Winston has chosen as his first victims transgenic pigs, bred to be regarded as an `inferior race` so that Islamic extremist ideology can be forced on the USA by the back door while everyone thinks that only pigs are regarded as target `inferiors` by group collaborators.

By giving the `pigs` a closer match to human tissue than Robert is himself, that means that in effect it can be argued that if any one of us is murdered by criminals or terrorists ,the killers will be not guilty, as Robert`s pigs were genetically more humanoid than us and clearly he hasn`t been arrested for murder.That makes Islamic law look benign by comparison,as maybe it`s designed to do.

By making us all technically of lesser humanoid content than a transgenic pig,Robert transforms us into targets of lower moral status than the most unclean creature a Muslim can find ,thereby justifying all atrocities against us.Isn`t that an unlawful combatant position?

No apology for that . or for 911 Robert?
How about relaxing the censorship on Camster instead?

The rest is silence….


March 26, 2019


Thu, 14 Apr 2016 05:00:02 -0700




Dr D. Jones <drdjones@xmail.net>


Reported Briefing Paper Scam

Dear Ms Cooney,

Thank you for your submission to the EU-`A Briefing Paper 
for European Union Decision-makers regarding potential plans 
for restriction of imports of hunting trophies`.

There has been an effect which may not have been intended-
please let me know it it was unintended.

A number of hunt cult members seem to have taken the document 
as proof that they are equipped with a Neanderthal super-race 
gene which entitles them to exterminate all `inferior`(ie 
non-Ngene bearing) life on the planet,including ourselves and 
that this justifies,for example,the burning of San Francisco 
via the series of Yosemite fires,which they boast of deliberately 


The murder of Austrian police officers and UK `badger cull` abuses 
are also claimed to the same end.


 Much of this purpose is also proven in Dr Paul Camster`s 
`Apocalypse`works,not cited in the paper.


Was all that intentional please,and if so,is there a specific 
EU supporter/recipient of the document contents who might be 
contacted with a view to requesting them if they were aware of 
this problem and intend its full purpose should be implemented 

Thanking you in advance.
Best regards,


Thu, 14 Apr 2016 05:12:26 -0700




Dr D. Jones <drdjones@xmail.net>


Reported Briefing Paper Scam

Dear Mr Challender,
Thank you for your submission to the EU-`A Briefing Paper 
for European Union Decision-makers regarding potential plans 
for restriction of imports of hunting trophies`.

There has been an effect which may not have been intended-
please let me know it it was unintended.

A number of hunt cult members seem to have taken the document 
as proof that they are equipped with a Neanderthal super-race 
gene which entitles them to exterminate all `inferior`(ie 
non-Ngene bearing) life on the planet,including ourselves and 
that this justifies,for example,the burning of San Francisco 
via the series of Yosemite fires,which they boast of deliberately 


The murder of Austrian police officers and UK `badger cull` abuses 
are also claimed to the same end.


 Much of this purpose is also proven in Dr Paul Camster`s 
`Apocalypse`works,not cited in the paper.


Was all that intentional please,and if so,is there a specific 
EU supporter/recipient of the document contents who might be 
contacted with a view to requesting them if they were aware of 
this problem and intend its full purpose should be implemented 

Thanking you in advance.
Best regards,


March 26, 2019


Submitted to Bovine TB 2018: comment on a badger control licence application or expression of interest for June 2018

Submitted on 2018-06-07 14:40:50

B5 If you have been contacted regarding a proposed licence application, please specify any concerns that you may have.

Any concerns:

Security and compensation -your request that “livelhood & daily activity” both need to be threatened by the INTENTION to use badger populations as abuse hostages by a terrorism deathcult and its hate crime process was actually confirmed with Defra (on 17Feb2018)and it was confirmed that these require compensation to all UK victims(and those overseas)and that “Defra or other agencies claiming to assist UK citizens should ….inform…. ALL potential victims of their right to claim this compensation.”for the intended PTSD and military injury type trauma which all such terrorist cults intend to inflict as acts of terror.

If it assists,the full text is below:

“It has been confirmed with USA and other(including UK) law enforcement agencies that victims of armed pro-Holocaust death cult

hatecrime and terrorism of the type linked with the UK badger persecution

could possibly apply for Group or Class action compensation

against any UK persons or agencies promoting the

offences,as the offenders are linked with attempts to harm

international airlines(as reported toCAA),UK rail passengers(as reported to

GWR) and offences of the Las Vegas and Florida School

massacre type.

Defra or other agencies claiming to assist UK citizens should kindly consider

informing ALL potential victims of their right to claim this compensation.

If it assists,the offenders defined above officially declared war on ALL UK

citizens,as detailed by Dr Paul Camster`s`Apocalypse3`-available in most

ebook and print formats(also text to speech)including:


The author is Nobel nominated at:



A feature of the offences is that untruths were a requirement of all

offenders,thereby rendering all badger disease data deliberately incorrect

where offenders

have ANY input.The offenders are accessories to actual convictions in UK

courts which include perjury,rape,robbery,arson and treason

If it assists further,IUCN confirmation is at:





6 (g) Do you have any additional comments or approaches which you feel are

relevant but not captured by questions 6 (a) to 6 (f)?”

B6 Please add any additional comments you wish to make with regard to this application not in relation to affecting your business/livihood. (Do not use this comment box to pass comment on the actual policy or its criteria please contact DEFRA directly


Additional Comments:

Personal security endangered without assurance that compensation arrangements are in place as confirmed with Defra-your request that “livelhood & daily activity” both need to be threatened by the INTENTION to use badger populations as abuse hostages by a

terrorism deathcult and its hate crime process was actually confirmed with Defra (on 17Feb2018)and it was confirmed that these require compensation to all UK victims(and those overseas)and that “Defra or other agencies claiming to assist UK citizens should ….inform…. ALL potential victims of their right to claim this

compensation.”for the intended PTSD and military injury type trauma which all such terrorist cults intend to inflict as acts of terror.

If it assists,the full text is below:

“It has been confirmed with USA and other(including UK) law enforcement agencies that victims of armed pro-Holocaust death cult

hatecrime and terrorism of the type linked with the UK badger persecution

could possibly apply for Group or Class action compensation

against any UK persons or agencies promoting the

offences,as the offenders are linked with attempts to harm

international airlines(as reported toCAA),UK rail passengers(as reported to

GWR) and offences of the Las Vegas and Florida School

massacre type.

Defra or other agencies claiming to assist UK citizens should kindly consider

informing ALL potential victims of their right to claim this compensation.

If it assists,the offenders defined above officially declared war on ALL UK

citizens,as detailed by Dr Paul Camster`s`Apocalypse3`-available in most

ebook and print formats(also text to speech)including:

The author is Nobel nominated at:


A feature of the offences is that untruths were a requirement of all

offenders,thereby rendering all badger disease data deliberately incorrect

where offenders

have ANY input.The offenders are accessories to actual convictions in UK

courts which include perjury,rape,robbery,arson and treason

If it assists further,IUCN confirmation is at:


6 (g) Do you have any additional comments or approaches which you feel are

relevant but not captured by questions 6 (a) to 6 (f)?”

Curing The Incurable

August 23, 2010

With all the controversy over Florence Nightingale versus Lucy Hutchinson (pictured) medical prowess-wise, the Hutchinson Memoirs (of Col Hutchinson,London 1806-1846  edition) make it clear that she was mainly personally treating direct battle injures,in contrast to Nightingale, who was mainly struggling to keep basic hygiene and sanitation from reaching a new abysmal state.

Despite all of the movie treatments suggesting that the civil wars were a swashbuckling swordplay pageant, Hutchinson`s patients were almost all` shot injuries `,and she was successful beyond Nightingale `s wildest dreams, except in one case where:

p177″One weak old man was shot the first day,who….bled to death before they could carry him to[Lucy Hutchinson] who supplied[ the want of a surgeon].

This is all a far cry from the Crimea hospital where doctors crudely hacked off patients` limbs far from the direct danger zone, as Hutchinson worked with bullets and mortar bombs bursting against her  Nottingham castle  stonework home walls.

On one occasion,(Memoirs,p182) `five were brought to [Lucy Hutchinson],who dressed all their wounds,whereof some were dangerous, being all shots, with good success, that were all cured in convenient time`, using `some excellent balsams and plasters`.

It is worth recalling that the weapons in use were intended to bring low the toughest burly pike-man clad in the strongest iron breastplate. Even today, it would be as close to incurable as you could get and still have  signs of life. Life expectancy after such an impact would be measured in minutes, if not seconds.All this took place within weeks of     the events at: RebeccaR

It is all very similar to the events with Hester Whyte at Kineton just over a year earlier, and with Ann Winter in Paul Camster`s `American Stalingrad`description.

The irony for the Crimea unfortunates whose limbs were hacked off by a medical establishment which distrusted Hutchinson`s methods(or more likely,her gender)is that their wounds were inflicted by much smaller calibre weapons than in Hutchinson`s time and so,in the main were much less life-threatening except,of course,where the limb was badly sliced off (as it usually was)with an unsterilised hacksaw.

The one totally incurable impulse in all this seems to be for big Pharma to suppress our knowledge of these details so that whole nations`health budgets can be drained by forcing them to purchase the most expensive possible treatments for the least life-threatening conditions

Exclusive-GlobalWarOnEnglishSpeakers-First Pictures

July 11, 2010

Masked Attackers With Police Collaborators

Masked Anglophobic terrorists and police collaborators were pictured for the first time in their war on English speakers in Pembrokeshire and across the world,which included pogroms in 2001, hospital and hospice murders by 2007-including the infamous mass infanticide in July 2007.
Rural Minister in the Rogue state, Elin Jones,
declined to confirm whether the masked offenders were the hospice murderers and whether the intention was to intimidate and extort from English speakers everywhere.The Apartheid-type state is believed to be controlled by armed livestock farming unions.

Coded Deathlists of English Speakers Carried By Masked Attackers

Young victims of the Wales Assembly/Farming union attack on hospices July07(full story below)

July 6, 2010

4th Front and 5th Column?

July 5, 2010

A gun-toting pest-controller relative called Bruce, having seen my Tweets,apparently started boasting after a few drinks.

The boast was that the Taliban had ordered him,Nick Koupparis,a Hackney Council pest controller and Wales Assembly contacts,to open  Second Fronts in London and Cardiff in the way they had with the fake dog attack aiming to create the Dangerous Dogs Act fiasco.

Dogs and foxes all being seen as `unclean`by Islamists,it was a good opportunity for an armed presence with access to poisons.

A new factor was an armed customer of Bruce with a fox-hating Islamist daughter and together they faked a`chicken attack`because they all hated `eco-freaks`,the customer having boasted of destroying protected rainforest species.

A More4 filmcrew even saw them together and may even have heard it boasted that the group were linked with the South Wales hospice infanticides.

A BBC spokesperson has apparently declined to comment on whether Mr Koupparis had used his Leopard film company props & make-up for the `fox attack` film he sold to them,
or had actually injured the victims and forced his wife to lie to the camera.

Second Front

July 4, 2010

Just tweeted Stephen Fry:  Brilliant Wagner film-many many thanks.Exactly right -both world wars&their waste avoidable with minimal education,as Paul Camster found at:


Realised that this applies to the Second Front in the Afghan war-the Wales Assembly stab in the back!
The Assembly of course is in the total control of farming unions which have access to dangerous chemicals and firearms,are unelected and exclude 99.9% of UN citizens from membership.In addition there is a master-race attitude to all non-members from non-humans to UN citizens,who can be murdered on a whim.
Forcing on us all the Taliban`s most destructive diet in terms of health and the planet-only Christine Gwyther tried to resist and was deposed.

Facing the grim reaper in the form of an Assembly official,one of the first English-speaking victims was Thanuja Ramalingam aged 3,who was frail enough to be assaulted to death in front of her parents.The last description her father had as she faced her end for daring to speak English and defying the farming union diet was `terrified`.

Miracle healing?

March 11, 2008

Miracle healing at:


Also at:


Anyone else experienced a miraculous
healing or similar event by visiting the website or reading Paul Camster`s book “American Stalingrad” on the same subject?

Does everyone think this was the real returned Messiah?

Hello world!

March 7, 2008

Welcome to WordPress.com. This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!